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Web Consultation

Security Services

Cyber crime is at an all-time high.  Over 80% of all breaches happen to small and mid-sized businesses because, in many cases, their owners believe they don’t need or can’t afford enterprise grade security. And hackers know this. Our goal is to help protect small businesses from the ever growing and frightening arena of digital threats.

Our clients seek greater security, privacy and control of their personal information and assets but don’t know where to turn.  We provide solutions to protect them from cyber crimes, data loss and theft of intellectual property via Device Protection, Network Security, Private Email and VPN services. Our solutions are enterprise grade and can optionally be monitored and managed in real-time:

Cyber Security Consultation

Courteous and personal consultations to help you understand, in lay terms, the true realities of cyber crime--and  how to fight back. We walk you through the daunting maze of cyber security and empower you to confidently monitor your own data.

Risk Assessments

When it comes to data breach prevention, what you don’t know will eventually hurt you.  A cyber risk assessment fully identifies security vulnerabilities within a business and their operations to show what assets are vulnerable to cyber threats.

“I’m just a small business.

Do I need a risk assessment?”

When a small businesses system is breached, what happens can be catastrophic.  Repairing the damage often costs a business far more than the cost of having been pro-active by protecting their system. By knowing, in advance, the weaknesses of your business, you can affordably adopt strategies to strengthen your defenses.  With regular risk assessments, you’ll never be left in the dark scrambling to fix what’s been broken.

Encryption and Cryptography

Encryption, key management and data protection services to address cryptography readiness and implementation. Helps protect sensitive data which is accessed, stored and transmitted by utilizing multiple security technologies.

Critical Data Protection Program

Data loss prevention is only one component of a much larger strategy for comprehensive, critical data protection. We will analyze and rank your current data security processes to design a complete data security program to protect your most critical data.

Security Compliance



Assistance in identifying compliance standards that apply to your small business. This includes HIPAA, NIST, GDPR, ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 standards.

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